Bye bye Artex….

Here’s something else we do a great deal of, Artex overskims to a perfectly flat ceiling ready for decoration.

Artex is a textured finish that was popular in the 70s through to the early 90s, it was cheap and very quick to apply and with the correct training you could comb and texture in all sorts of patterns.

However as asbestos awareness grew and the products it was in Artex was found to contain it.

Although not the worst of the various types it should still be dealt with properly and professionally.

Usually this would mean either a total rip out, or overboard then skim or even a glue and full plaster overskim.

The problems that arise from the above methods are cost, time, mess and in many cases the weight of a full overskim in gypsum plaster has caused the ceiling to collapse.

We approach this in an entirely different manner, we prepare the existing texture via dustless extraction, apply a grip primer if needed then continue to apply a two coat system of a very lightweight material that is both breathable and slightly flexible.

The benefits are application times are cut to a minimum, drying times are also drastically cut, low final weight on the existing ceiling and a much better surface to decorate to.

No drums of water, no bags of plaster being mixed in your house with the resulting mess….

Most importantly the Artex is completely sealed and there’s no need to worry about it again.

On this particular ceiling our customer asked us to lose the gap above the fitted wardrobes whilst we were attending, which we were only to happy to do.

Look to the future.